Saturday 9 January 2016

Does One's VIEWS about life determines his SUCCESS ?

"Dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep"
One of the famous inspiring quote that has been said by the Missile Man of India, Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam in his autobiography "Wings of Fire". Reading this quote energizes me, urges to work hard  and above all pictures me the positive side of life i.e. Being Successful. The psychology of each and every individual varies and so his thoughts,viewpoints and opinions about anything he is asked to comment on. A glass half filled with water can be seen by a person from two angles, just like the two sides of a coin: Half Filled or Half Empty. This distinction between the positive and negative aspects of life determines one's success. The journey of life is filled with sorrows, hardships and happiness.Some may last for a while,some may vanish within the blink of an eye. If it is sorrow or hardship that lasts, we get demotivated, starts blaming fate and complains "Oh God,Why only this is happening to me? " At the end,we tend to lose our hope and give up. The mindset that an individual creates at this stage i.e hardship and make wise decisions to move ahead in life brings out the real human in him as it calls for positive attitude and courage to fight back. A very apt example that depicts the so-called quality; which I would like to share is about the founder of  Apple Inc. : Steve Jobs. A person who doesn't need an introduction to be remembered. Steve Jobs started struggling in his early life for an identity, where he was adopted and there kicked off an era of innovation and entrepreneurship. Jobs founded Apple in the late 1970's with his co-worker Steve Wozniak and things went smooth till 1985 when Jobs was forced to move out by the former CEO of Pepsi, John Sculley; who was hired by Jobs himself. That was an shock to his career life which remained as a reminder in him until his death. He never gave up; rather took some of his old team mates and started another company NeXT, a computer platform developing firm. In 1997, Apple purchased NeXT and appointed Jobs behind the wheel. After his death, Jobs's official biographer: Walter Isaacsson described him as "creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing."  

What quality or attribute helped Jobs to rise from a fall and influence the global information technology sector ?
It was his attitude and belief in his own creative abilities. We all must develop such kind of quality in order to survive in this fast moving world where everyone is busy chasing their lives.
Start a day in your life with a positive mind and "Challenge and Move on with Problems" rather than thinking "Why Me ?".

Happy New Year !!!

Elaph Hafis