Sunday 20 December 2015

Success : A Wider Perception

"Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success" 
These lines were quoted by Henry Ford, an American industrialist and the founder of the Ford Motor  Company. Everybody has their own perception and views on becoming or being successful. It may be getting your dream job,marrying your love,buying a private jet or becoming Ambanis; the list goes on. No matter what they dream or wish to be,it is the way and means that they choose in order to be successful. No person or individual is born successful, it is the dedication,hard work and dream that helps them to keep up the fire. We come across several incidents or happenings in our day to day life. Some may be obstacles while some may be happiness that comes unexpected. In this 21st century, we are blessed with technology that fetches us anything that was considered impossible in the past. Though it has eased the efforts of an individual, its contribution to the overall success is hardly comment able. By large, it is the sheer willingness and commitment to attain the set goal that pays off. Everyday we get to read about new personalities who have struggled and reached at various helms. One such example which I would like to bring into everyone's attention is Sundar Pichai, the new CEO of Google; the world's best workplace. Sundar Pichai, a Chennai born alumnus of IIT,Kharagpur has never experienced the lavishness of watching television or traveling in a car but his extraordinary skills in remembering numbers and the urge to learn about technology took him to Google in 2004.He had made several innovative contributions including the launching of Google Chrome,Android and other products where he has served as a key leader and player.
There are various examples of successful personalities like Mark Zuckerberg,Ratan Tata,Amitabh Bachan,Sachin Tendulkar,Cristiano Ronaldo and the names keep flowing. All these persons had a goal set in front of them and they gave their best shot  for it, no matter what obstacles or challenges came across them. There are several traits and qualities that were revealed by these great personalities over interviews and conversations. Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, the former President of India has said "You have to dream before your dreams can come true". We all should dream in order to motivate our inner self to strive and work hard for achieving the desired goal.

Dream your Goal in order to Reach it.

Elaph Hafis